Certified Executive Career & Leadership Coach

Shelley Creates Reflective Partnerships Where Next-Gen Women Leaders PAUSE to EMERGE STRONG Into Their Powerful Career, Coaching, and Leadership Presence to Meet Their Desired Impact Without Sacrificing Well-Being.


Never underestimate the POWERFUL IMPACT of Next-GEN Women Leaders!


If you or your organization are "struggling" with how to transform and engage your present and future women leaders, you have found the right place!


Our PROMISE is to hold you and your organization CAPABLE

of launching Competent, Confident, and Mindful Leaders who will be present and focused while supporting your

C-Suite Executives, Senior Leaders and You: The NEXT Generation!

EMERGING NEXT GENERATION WOMEN are bridging the gap and strengthening your talent management  by having Intergenerational Coaching Conversations and other supportive coaching services to build their knowledge, skills, and attributes. The result...   

 You and Your NEXT Generation of Leaders can



Where leaders at all levels with different worldviews are relevant, collaborative, joyful, & engaged!


  • You and your organization recognize that smart, high-achieving women are sometimes struggling with defeat, discouragement, and unconscious biases created by the current dysfunctional culture. In addition, we are struggling with the challenges and opportunities of today's VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. Our multi-generational leaders are asking us to step up and navigate the system together. 
  • We believe that a mindful coaching leadership style gives us an opportunity to ditch the stereotypes of ageism, unconscious bias, and irrelevance, while utilizing the multiple generations in the workforce as a gift to invite coaching conversations that welcome wisdom and innovation for everyone.
  • Imagine: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z all working alongside each other-bringing and owning their Leadership Purpose, Presence, and Power, increasing all capabilities to create an environment of diversity and innovation.
  • Smart leaders will recognize the opportunity to leverage the unique skills of each generational cohort and take steps to ensure that their organization is set up to give everyone the chance to succeed. Not everyone will fit neatly into one category or the other. 
  • I invite you to be a leader who is inclusive and non-toxic, who wants to mentor, coach, and sponsor the next generation to do the same. 

The CHANGE CAN start with you individually!

 YOU can be the bridge to your team or organization!

Understanding your diverse leaders and what they’re expecting will help YOU and YOUR organization retain and engage with today’s top talent... Yet...

The career and leadership conversations are not happening.... 

You and Your Leader see your potential, but due to lack of coaching, mentorship, sponsorship, lack of developmental opportunities, feedback, and older dysfunctional systems; you are still "stuck"!

You and your team could be fearing losing clients, talent, or knowledge. Sharing these things is crucial for developing a shared purpose and meaningful work!    

You are looking for answers outside yourself, because other leaders may not appreciate or embrace the idea that career and leadership mastery comes from the “inside out” first.  

You are not asking or advocating for your own career and leadership journey, fearing that flextime, compensation, perks, and other motivators are too out of reach or unacceptable to request.

You're not being given the space to decrease overwhelm and build resilience: This is what gives you the stamina & strength to lead. 

It's time to give up the unrelenting confusion of not being able to figure it out, and instead FOCUS AND FLOW strategically into your NEXT meaningful and purposeful leadership position by asking for SUPPORT and advocating for what you deserve! 

Let me show you how to break free by unlocking your inner career and leadership competencies and the confidence that will overcome your self-criticism by starting with a courageous conversation with yourself or your team!

Sometimes you need to be Seen, Heard, and Understood in all areas of your life to Emerge Strong. We use the power of COACHING to inspire all we do!

Have you asked:

  • How clear are the career and leadership paths for YOU and Your organization?
  • Are you providing Coaching at all levels so that all generations are getting feedback and a compelling sense of their PURPOSE?
  • Do you share your cross-generational stories, successes, failures, and knowledge that inspire collaboration and natural succession planning
  • Do you have coaching programs that invite collaboration in a psychologically safe and compassionate way? 
  • Do you make all leaders, including yourself, feel appreciated and rewarded for their KSA's and feel optimistic about future plans and legacies?
  • Do you ensure YOU and all generations are feeling SEEN, HEARD and UNDERSTOOD?
  • Do you really want to lead?

The Coaching Nest offerings are:

  • Scientifically based on coaching with your brain in mind. They are mindful, focused, and effective.
  • Created for amazing results while nurturing the human spirit, creating transformation for you and your organization.
  • Co-created and based on changing habits, for you and the team who supports you, so you can determine your ROI.
  • Intended to align your individual Purpose, Power, and Presence. 
  • Ensuring you and those you lead do not sacrifice yourselves in the pursuit of ambition and instead lead mindfully.
  • Coaching initiatives that help you discover if you and your leaders believe in a "fixed" or changeable "growth" mindset. The latter view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. (Dweck, 2015)
  • Capable of creating a cultural shift despite our immunity to change! 

I want to let you in on a little secret...

You don't have to do this alone. It's okay to say, "I need help to take care of me and those I lead."

This Growth Mindset is Neuroplasticity in Action!

We offer customized coaching for individuals and/or groups. By working with our Lead Coach Shelley (CEO and Founder), you'll work with a credentialed ICF Professional Coach. She is certified in Social-Emotional Intelligence and is a graduate of Royal Roads University as a Certified Executive Coach (CEC), The Neuroscience Academy, and so much more. See full list of credentials here

I believe all people who are engaged in society, corporations, organizations, and our government are all leaders at some level!  It is only through our diverse perspectives, collective wisdom, creativity, and ability to innovate that we will continue to EMERGE STRONGER.  My purpose is bringing consciousness to myself and others, which has led to lifelong learning and a passion for intergenerational conversations that have transformed my life and those I serve!” -- Shelley Cox



"With Shelley’s strong coaching skills she helped me see my blind spots. As a Director in a Long Term Care facility I wear many hats and interact with many people. The leadership journey I have travelled with Shelley has been truly inspirational and transformational ….and I’m not done yet! I would highly recommend Shelley to anyone who wants to improve their leadership skills."

Denise , Director , Healthcare, NS

"Shelley provided a pathway and safe place for me to be vulnerable, expressive, and innovative. As my coach, Shelley helped me to be more confident and self-aware of my leadership capabilities as an effective leader. This process provided me the opportunity to be more confident and engaged in my own personal and professional development. I am a better coach and leader as a result of my experience with Shelley.”

Lynn W; Human Resources Director

"Have you ever reached a moment in your life when you say to yourself, “Enough is enough! Something’s gotta give. And I need help to make this happen!” I’m sure you can relate. This happened to me! I love my job but the stress was taking over and I had to find a way to change that! Then I found Shelley! She will remain my lifetime career and leadership coach; my lifetime confidant!"

D. Mills Sales Director

“When I first connected with Shelley what I noticed right away was her ability to see me - the real me, and see my potential! I immediately felt understood, safe, and supported. She held me capable from day one to make the changes I needed, to ensure successful personal development and to both persevere and preserve the charity organization that I founded. As a gifted mindful listener, she showed empathy and respect, balanced with an ability to challenge me to refocus and with confidence, to own my powerful purpose, and presence! I chose to join her CALM Power™ Coaching group of diverse emerging leaders and it was life changing. I learned so much and have noticed immense growth in all areas of my leadership presence. In summary, it was inspiring and transformational. It’s difficult to put into words the energy that was created, despite COVID-19 and other difficult circumstances! She trusted all of us to own our potential. Shelley is meant to Coach! I find myself often thinking about her words, remembering them and acting upon them. With this supportive and sometimes vulnerable sharing, the CALM Power™ energy motivated me to apply for the National Change Makers Award from Alan Doyle’s A Dollar a Day Foundation, which I became the WINNER of. This includes a generous $15,000 donation and Official Charter Charity Status for my organization, No Time for That Anti-Bullying Society, which will now receive annual funding to help grow the organization and increase our impact. This means the world to our charity! Thank you, Shelley, for creating The Coaching Nest, so I can continue to EMERGE STRONGER and follow my purpose!”

Elsie Morden-

(Singer, Songwriter, Speaker, Founder & CEO of No Time for That Anti-Bullying Society)



Choose your own adventure:



How Is My Leadership and Coaching Growth A Gift from Transcending Unexpected Challenges?

Life is not linear-it is a beautifully winding path with sharp turns and unexpected stops.  Challenges arise, catching us off-guard, but it is how we respond to these hardships that truly shapes our character and defines our leadership.  Today, I want to share parts of my own journey-a personal adventure that brought me closer to…

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Pause for Accurate Self-Assessment

  Welcome to 2023! For many years now, I’ve advocated for a leadership style that is about simplifying, letting go, and just being, all without sacrificing ambition. To embody this leaderly essence, we are invited to PAUSE and make self-awareness and accurate self-assessment a priority for YOU and those you lead. Coaching allows us as a…

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My Intention for You in 2021:

  Today’s leaders, like you, require a whole new mindset that focuses on a different type of learning and support!  Asking questions and creating that “aha” towards clarity, focus, and intention setting is the EMERGING way to change thinking, behavior, and habits. The way we learned in the past is not the complete picture. We desire sustained…

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Test Page (2)

Are you Curious about Why you Think the Way you Do?

In a world of change and constant pressure to make decisions, we often act and jump to conclusions.   It happens quickly and unconsciously. This is why we do not realise how we develop a certain action or response. A coaching tool that provides us insights into this thinking blind spot is called the ladder of…

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