Executive Career and Leadership Coaching for Next GEN Women Leaders

Uniting diverse generations one conversation at a time!

You’re driven to achieve. You love the thrill of accomplishment. The buzz of what’s next. Your results-driven nature is a given. You are wired to be more, to do more!

  • We women leaders are stuck in a system where we are STRIVING to be perfect examples of work-life balance, assertive leaders, and trailblazers; obsessed with closing the wage gap, leading boards, and getting our seat at tables. At the same time some of us are parenting, involved in our communities, or mentoring.  The list is endless.
  • Yet often we feel we are failing on both ends, riddled with guilt and shame that we cannot do it all!
  • Despite all these demands, we are being inundated with the message to show up with leadership presence in an environment and society that still does not see the hidden emotional costs that women carry in multi generational environments.
  • We are often navigating a command and control leadership style that is not open to change and sometimes toxic!

I hear you when you tell me that


  • Encounter the mandate to impact the company’s bottom-line, but feel you are burning out and finding it difficult staying aligned with workplace and relationship requirements.
  • Are stretched to “do more with less.” This can produce overwhelm, which is felt not only by you, (the executive/leadership team), but by those who you lead and manage.
  • Encounter a lack of supportive supervisors and mentors.
  • Experience exclusion from informal networks.
  • Have a lack of senior/business role models that resemble you.
  • Are being bullied in your work environment or in an unkind culture.
  • Encounter failure of senior leadership to help advance someone "like yourself". You may not "fit-the-mold."
  • Have constant conflicts in your everyday life, such as choosing or prioritizing family over work.
  • Are choosing projects that are not visible or high profile.
  • Have difficulty knowing when to say “no.”
  • Feel you don't know how to best utilize your brain as a woman at work.

I suspect you are:


  • Struggling to find the time, energy and focus to stop being addicted to the next problem and truly learn to express your natural leadership strengths of empathy, collaboration, and emotional intelligence?
  • Often not showing up with a strong, mindful leadership presence?
  • Committed to your journey, but starting to feel fatigued, frustrated, undervalued, and overlooked?
  • Feeling alone?

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Our coaching ensures that women leaders like you soar through their leadership journey with courage, impact, and energy from the very beginning.

You will increase your level of confidence both professionally and personally, expanding your aspirations to a new level… your way!

Are you ready to welcome a REFLECTIVE strategic thinking partner into your circle to provide the support and accountability you know you need to maintain perfect focus?

My Professional belief and definition of coaching:

“As I move into coaching mastery, I believe that coaching presents us with an intriguing paradox. Leaders are often catapulted into the role of seemingly being an expert which comes with potential challenges. A Coach is often seen as the EXPERT to leaders: A Coach is NOT your EXPERT, but your advantageous mindful partner who considers your body, mind, and spirit (holisitic). As accredited professional coaches, we create a trusting, listening, and thinking space for leaders like yourself to tap into your own superpowers of self-awareness, innovation, focus and self-directed neuroplasticity.”

The brain can be “re-wired” in response to experiences over a lifetime. Behavior, through mindful coaching and other holisitic modalities, will lead to changes in brain circuitry, just as changes in brain circuitry will lead to behavioral change. This is the ability for the brain to change itself through focused attention.

Each of us have such a unique brain with its own host of experiences and perceptions that it only makes sense for Coaches to accept that the capabilities of leaders can often exceed their own in many cases; so, suspending the role of leadership expert is vital.

What creates a powerful thinking partnership between leaders and coaches begins with trusting the process while clarifying the leader's key needs and desires.  These are translated into focused intention by providing a safe, yet challenging space of exploration.

Coaches are skilled at working with individuals to help them bring the best out in themselves and rewire their brains to embrace change. The success of a coaching initiative is whether you and your leaders perceive people’s traits as “fixed” or changeable (i.e., growth mindset)

Coaching is Leadership on steroids!

The professional coach is asking questions while deeply listening. This is the key foundation of coaching and it is the emerging way to change thinking as leaders.

The way we learned in the past is not the complete picture. We want sustained change in ourselves and employees so that we as leaders thrive in changing and chaotic environments!

According to David Rock and other thought leaders such as Barbara Frederickson: “the simple sharing of knowledge or facts is not enough to generate changes in thinking. This change process is most effectively managed by questions and deep mindful listening!"

I will create a Coaching Nest, so you can unravel any key issues that have not been visible to yourself or others.

You can be vulnerable and truthful! We will go beyond our ego into a space of consciousness to release our inner freedom to express ourselves bravely and unapologetically!

I want you to find this type of peace! This can be accomplished by creating safe yet challenging spaces for women like YOU to open your minds, hearts and will to explore endless possibilities for transformation.

I will listen and you will be seen, heard, and understood while we tap into our current leadership wisdom and explore the strongest leadership tool there is: YOU!


Entrepreneurs and Organizational Leaders who recognize the need for career and leadership conversations for a variety of reasons:

  • From succession planning, promotions, retirements, manager to leader, and other career changes.
  • All programs are customized and lead to increased productivity & engagement to meet bottom line results.



This is often a 6-12-month program that will give you tons of support on your leadership journey. We meet weekly or biweekly (depending on your customized plan) and review your emerging competencies. Together we tackle your leadership challenges so you can consistently move forward.

When we’re finished, you will have a clear vision of where you’re headed:  You will know your vision, goals and the action steps needed to propel you forward.

I do not believe in a “one size fits all” program to build leadership capacity. We will conduct a thorough needs analysis, use multi-faceted tools, and build an uncluttered process tailored to you. We will utilize the DISC profile, SEIP profile, VIA Survey of Character Strengths, 360 Narrative, and other assessments as needed.

We look at your individual goals, visions, and action steps. We can create a plan that guides you step-by-step, toward achieving your own career success and personal leadership goals.


(This can be delivered individually or in groups)