Meet Shelley, Principal Coach and Founder of
The Coaching Nest

The Way you Approach and Lay the Foundation for your Leadership Journey Makes a Big Difference!

The Coaching Nest Supports you to Stay AMBITIOUS, Confident, and Competent while being Grounded in our Innovative Leadership Coaching Programs.

We use mindfulness, reflection, nature, and leadership coaching circles with scientifically proven growth mindset strategies to build your leadership stamina and resiliency to PAUSE and


You may be wondering a little about how I came to be here with you today:

The Coaching Nest emerged after witnessing many talented high achieving women in leadership attempt to NAVIGATE the fast-paced labyrinth of command and control cultures.  As a result, many of us buy into a boxed in myth and bias about what makes a leader. Even when we do embrace our ambitions, courageously aligned with our conscious intentions, we are still often...

                       NOT SEEN, HEARD, OR UNDERSTOOD.                        


It leaves many of us feeling alone, isolated, invisible, misaligned, and disengaged from our tremendous efforts to bring our leadership and career visions to life.

Ambitious women are smart and savvy, driven to please, and get results in all areas of their life, often without fanfare and complaint. We are strong women shouldering the burdens of household duties, elder care, childcare and our own mental or physical health. We lead naturally and if we are struggling to build Competence and Confidence, we find solutions. We often lead too quietly, without slowing down to reflect more strategically or to discern what is best for us. We help everyone else, but may not be seen as needing support ourselves. This leads to women feeling like failures in all roles, especially as a leader and parent. To add to the complexity, we are coping with unconscious biases and other beliefs, attitudes, and often rigid ways of thinking that slow down our success and expression of our true purpose!

We amazing women are craving coaching, mentoring, sponsorship, and support, but instead we are often left blindsided and disheartened by the silos and hidden systems.

That is My Story in a Nutshell! I Know I'm Not Alone! 

 I asked:

How will we step up to create a sustainable model for next generation of women leaders to advocate for what they need? 

I started being curious by asking many questions about building leadership capacity and resiliency. It was always with the intention of seeking a different way to lead, refusing to exhaust myself or burnout...

My Solution EMERGED...

Mindful Leadership Coaching

That gives us the space to own our Purpose, Power, Presence, and Propserity!

 This leads to Executive Career and Leadership Coaching:

 Where we learn to LET GO of all the complexity, and instead...

Become an Expert of not Being an Expert!

Holding ourselves and teams more capable to pause and see that space between stimulus and response.

In this space, we see possibilities for radical self-awareness and coaching conversations that are natural and transformational. By taking a deep breath, going for a walk, stepping away from a stimulus, emotionally separating, and just closing your eyes for a few moments, could be the most SIMPLE but best leadership strategy available! 

 I was called to be the NEST Builder for the Next Generation of Women Leaders to create this SPACE.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”- Viktor E. Frankl

Creating That Space is Our CHOICE!

We have the POWER in us to choose PURPOSE, POWER, PRESENCE, and PROSPERITY.

I searched VERY deep inside myself and feel confident in my conviction that we women must gift ourselves with the space and permission to Master our own Career and Leadership Coaching secrets, so that when we partner together, you will lay a purposeful foundation for your leadership journey.  This will allow you to make the big difference you are meant to make.

Coaching is Powerful and Impactful...


It helps you make tiny shifts that change everything.

THEN you will have STRENGTH and STAMINA to


We are attracted to LEADERS with PRESENCE



How do Already Strong and AMBITIOUS Women Emerge Stronger?

As a lifelong student of my own and others conscious journeys, I was curious and dismayed by behavior that appeared so misaligned with our true essence and self.

I’ve witnessed and experienced how creating space for Professional Coaching can account for radical differences in performance and achievement, often through just a small shift in a deep rooted unconscious thought or behavior.

This insight often resulted in repeated habits that often became the catalyst to form a firm Coaching Leadership Foundation Grounded in…

Purpose, Power, Presence, and Prosperity

Where I am today has not happened overnight or even in a short time frame – It has been a lengthy and often difficult process. It didn’t need to be!!

This COACHING NEST is where you will find the support to seek the mentorship, and coaching you desire!

You Have This!

This is my Gift to You!

Childhood adversity, an undiagnosed eye injury, and chronic illness left me feeling that asking for help made me a victim.  I bought into a "do it myself" or "I can survive anything” attitude. This was an engrained belief that is well supported by a society who believes strong and resilient people just bounce back and “land on their feet.” They will figure it out! Yes they may,  or may not, and at what cost...  the world needs you and your gifts!



I Aim for Grace Under Pressure: 


Each woman’s story, struggle, and triumph inspires me and my clients to turn towards one another.  This allows us to enter a space where one simple candid conversation can restore hope to all our futures. It’s pivotal when we all feel:


And Give This FEELING to Others…

I feel invigorated to continue modelling the way, so we ALL witness candid and real people who are willing to find meaning and purpose.  We can serve and always listen to others! This is what all generations share!

I continue to envision and coach women of all generations and those who support them to pursue a career and leadership journey that emerges from radical self-awareness.  This will lead to them becoming more conscious leaders.  Executive Career and Leadership Coaching is a chance to return to ourselves, and remember the sense of being whole again. Most people sacrifice their true self with a split personality of being one person at work and another in their personal life. I want to be an advocate for women and their allies to have an integrated leadership journey.

I want US to TALK with Each Other!

I want US to DEEPLY Listen to Each Other!

I want US to REDEFINE how we Treat One Another!

Do you Want the Same?

 MY PURPOSE of Being A NEST BUILDER is Expressed in all I AM as a Coach …

The Coaching Nest remains a metaphorical symbol of a safe, compassionate, yet challenging space where all generations of women and those who support them are able to pause, grow, and prosper together.




You will show up CONFIDENT with clients, your boss, organizations, and the world! They will feel your powerful leadership presence.

What was my first catalyst for change?

An Unexpected Leadership PAUSE

During a lunch hour I found myself alone sitting on old concrete steps in the parking lot of my workplace and sighted a beautiful monarch butterfly that seemed out of place both in the context of where I was and how I was feeling! Yet, I took NOTICE.

It was a serendipitous moment, and the butterfly became a symbol of my leadership transformation. My hero’s journey began. I took a stance to find meaning, purpose and explore my own leadership presence. To show up present and fulfilled as both an organizational and now entrepreneurial leader in today’s world requires us to view change, adversity, and the unexpected through the “eyes’ of growth, transformation, and opportunity.

This is the work I Do and Love!

The Coaching Nest emerged organically from my butterfly story that occurred close to 20 years ago after many expected & unexpected career PAUSES.

Photo by Shelley Cox , inspired by nature 


  • Emerging Multigenerational Women Leaders who are transitioning into a leadership role and those who support them. We unite generations together so you can be the bridge to you and your team.
  • Women looking for a trusted Executive Coach to partner in building leadership capacity & coaching cultures, using meaningful intergenerational conversations.
  • Overwhelmed and disengaged Leaders looking for their career to flow and flourish.
  • Leaders and Executives who want clarity on their leadership brand expression to align with organizational, partner or joint ventures so all generations are seen, heard, and understood.
  • Emerging Leaders transitioning from Manager to Leader, Leader as Coach.
  • Leaders unexpectedly out of work and looking for their next move.
  • Women Leaders re-entering the workforce after babies, divorce, and other circumstances.
  • Emerging Women Leaders wanting the courage to change and requiring clarity on their current career path, either in or out of an organization.
  • Entrepreneurial Minded Women Employees (Intrapreneurs) and Entrepreneurs desiring leadership skills.



  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF)
  • Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching (CEC) - Royal Roads University, Victoria BC
  • Certification for Mentor Coaching- Invite Change
  • The Neuroscience Academy Certification
  • Becoming a Mindful Wellness Coach: Ann-Marie McKelvey - MCC
  • Strong Mindfulness -Mindfulness Based Strength Practice (MBSP)
  • Emotional Intelligence Coach in Positive Psychology Certification
  • Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach (SEI)
  • Certification from the Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence (Includes Leader as Coach Certification)
  • Retirement and Executive Career Coaching
  • Certified Executive Career Coach
  • Life and Business Coach Certification
  • 10+years building a business and creating a variety of programs and offerings such as CALM Power™ and other Leadership and Coaching Competencies
  • 10+years experience in a variety of roles: Sales and Branch Manager, Leadership Coach, Trainer, Facilitator and Human Resources Professional
  • Full Member – International Coaching Federation

Our family lives in beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada. Both my husband and I have remained independent leaders in our careers.

We share the trials and joys of parenting a young Gen Z leader, small business ownership, and a host of other complexities in our ever-changing world. We maintain a deep appreciation for everyday moments and strive to live a contemplative life through nature, spiritual seeking & mindfulness.

We are privileged to support two beautiful children in Haiti and Guatemala as well as providing monthly contributions to Operation Smile, Doctors without Borders, and other charities we value. In addition, I am the past NS ICF Representative, and ICF Atlantic Board Member and Member of ICF Global.